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J MEG Consulting

m i s s i o n - s t a t e m e n t

"At no other time in the history of civilization has there been a greater need for a mature and informed attitude towards the relationship between man and machine." 
--CEO of J MEG Consulting

As we enter the 21st century, the state of technology has reached such heights that, to many people, our humanity is threatened. Seemingly, in a world where quality is judged in terms of bandwidth and megahertz, creativity and compassion are irreconcilable to the harsh factuality of our lives. the complement to this perspective, of course, is that computer technology has gone further towards the length of the full expansion of human communication than any other innovation in the history of mankind. These conflicting ideals have culminated in two camps of thought: simply pro and simply con.

Here at J MEG Consulting, we believe that the time has come for a more mature attitude towards technology. As purveyors not only of technological guidance, but also of technological understanding, we will strive to work together with our clients to design systems that work in the real world. We will place beyond all other consideration the simple truth that our client's, and our client's customers deserve the respect of people in a machine world.